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tv   MSNBC Live With Tamron Hall  MSNBC  January 6, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PST

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of creating a weapon that could reach the united states. also ahead, donald trump goes birther on senator ted cruz, the man who questioned the president's birthplace now says cruz's citizenship should be "a big problem." where is trump making these claims and where is he not. plus, both sides in the occupation of a federal building in oregon indicate this could be coming to an end today. . the question is will it end peace from i? good morning, i'm tamron hall. north korea claims it successful tested a hydrogen bomb. if true, it would mark a dramatic escalation of north korea's nuclear capability. a hydrogen bomb is much more powerful than the nuclear device it previously tested. north korea state tv released this photo of kim jong-un, its aggressive young leader, signing the order to conduct the test. the north's announcement came about an hour after a magnitude 5.1 systemic event along its
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northeast coast near where north korea conducted three previous nuclear tests over the past nine years. the white house says it cannot confirm the nuclear test but added it would condemn such a test as a violation of u.n. security council resolutions. now right now the u.n. security council is convening an emergency closed-door meeting to consider possible action which could include increased sanctions. only moments ago u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon held a meeting with senior advisors to discuss the situation. >> this act is pro foundly prof destabilizing for regional security and seriously undermines international nn proliferation greats. i condemn it unequivocally. >> condemnations have come from north korea's neighbor, south korea and japan and caroline kennedy met with japan's foreign
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minister. >> we stand with japan and our partners and allies in solidarity against the north korean provocations and will work closely together with you in the coming days. >> reporter: north korea's main ally, klein, also says it "firmly opposes this nuclear bomb test by north korea." let me go to andrea mitchell, stabbing by with some of the troubling aspects of this which are much at this hour, including this intelligence surprise as it appears if this claim is true, that the u.s. may have missed here. >> we have to be very cautious about this because it has not been confirmed by any intelligence agencies but it is very clear that they have been working on this and if true, it would mark an extraordinary escalation in their nuclear capability. so the question now is what to do about it and there are very few options. china would oppose any more severe sanctions against north korea, i believe, because china does not want to choke north
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korea. they want to at least keep it at bay but keep a closer eye on it. they don't know what would follow if the regime collapsed and if there were an exodus of migrants across the border. that's been their play, and they have clearly let some of this material -- sanction material get across the border. that's the border that is the more porous into north korea. that said, the u.n. is going to have to do something because this is another very clear violation. no matter what kind of test this was, a low-yield nuclear test which they have done three times before, it still is a violation of existing u.n. sanctions. if it is a hydrogen blast, it is a completely different order of magnitude. >> absolute sli, a differely it order of magnitude. what are the options on the table if this -- what's been called provocation is true? >> i don't think that there are
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very clear options other than more sanctions. they can try to devise more sanctions. they've already squeezed north korea economically but to do anything militarily would just start an escalation that i don't think the u.s. or any of the allies would want to contemplate. >> andrea, thank you very much. cn cnbc's senior correspondent eunice yoon, what can you tell us from there? >> reporter: there is a saying about the china-north korea relationship you guys were talking a little bit about it, that the two countries are as close as lips and teeth. but these days the chinese have been feeling that the teeth are biting the lips. not only did china day say that it resolutely opposes the test, but it says that it wasn't even aware of the test before it happened. beijing says that it plans to summon senior north korean officials to lodge a protest. underscoring china's
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frustrations with its long-time friend. pyongyang's test has drawn condemnation from less friendly countries in the region such as japan and south korea. south korean intelligence officials have said that they're skeptical that north korea has technology to produce a small hydrogen bomb as it claims. both south korean and japanese officials say that based on their analysis of the seismic waves and the comparisons to previous nuclear tests, they believe that this quake was man-made. chinese, south korean and japanese authorities have also all said that no radiation so far has been detected in the area. there is no independent confirmation, as you guys were discussing, of pyongyang's claims. pentagon says it is investigating the matter. u.s. officials have said it could take weeks to reach a conclusion and that's what many people in this part of the world as well believe. back to you. >> eunice yoon live for us in hong kong this morning, thank you very much. now turning to the 2016 presidential race and donald trump's latest attack on his main republican rival.
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trump now floating the accusation that questions about ted cruz's citizenship might become an issue this election. trump told "the washington post," cruz's u.s. citizenship could be a big problem for him should he win the republican nomination. trump saying the same thing to a new hampshire news station as well as on msnbc's "morning joe." >> it's a problem for him and it's a problem obviously for the republicans because if the democrats -- assume he got the nomination and the democrats bring suit. the suit takes two to three years to solve, so how do you run? it is certainly a concern i guess for the party. >> here's what's key here. trump did not go all-out in his attack of cruz, failing to mention it at his rally last night in new hampshire. but trump's latest comments do echo claims that he made about president obama. senator cruz was born in canada but has mother is american and legal experts say that qualifies him as a natural born citizen. the senator renounced his canadian citizenship almost two
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years ago before launching his anticipated presidential bid. yesterday. senator cruz brushed off trump's questions about his eligibility posting this clip from a "happy days" episode, the episode known as "the jump the shark" episode. nbc's hallie jackson and tat ka tur join us from the campaign trail. katy, i'll start with you. trump always seems to end the up headline against his gop rivals here. interesting he went through the media rounds talking about ted cruz's citizenship, floating it out there, but did not bring it up at that rally before thousands of his supporters. why not? >> well, it's not surprising that he is going there now but i will say that he was asked about this specifically in all of these interviews so he was responding. certainly he could have avoided responding. he could have ignored the question, he could have moved on, he could have said a number of other things but that's why
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he's responding there. i think what you are seeing is him testing out a line to see how it plays, to see how conservative radio reacts to it, to see how conservatives react to it. if it plays well, he might bring it out in his rallies. the last thing trump wants is to have a negleative reaction, to boos even. he doesn't react well to boos. he doesn't want to turn off any of the ted cruz supporters by coming out against ted cruz. i will also say that donald trump is not going necessarily to do this without being prompted. he's had this cease-fire with ted cruz this entire time. he doesn't want to tread on it for fear of losing mutual supporters. >> that is interesting. we've seen in the past even rush limbaugh express region disappointment when donald trump has taken on ted cruz. but if you listen to trump's words, he's his own man and he is willing to take on anyone who
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opposes what he's saying. how does he i guess navigate these waters particularly when you look at the polling out of iowa and cruz's potential success there. >> well, he's going to try and navigate it very gently. when he does come out against ted cruz, he doesn't always use his name but it is clear who he is talking about. he says he's stealing my ideas. i have the border wall idea first. i had these ideas for immigration reform first. now ted cruz is just copying me, trying to show that he is a version of him, maybe donald trump-light. that you're not going to really get the real thing if tu vote for ted cruz, or that he's the ideamaker and ted cruz is just trying to surf off his coat tails, if you will. whether or not that's something he maintains down the line we'll have to see as we get closer to iowa. if ted cruz keeps climbing in the polls, donald trump could potentially feel more threatened and be in a position where he'll attack more harshly. iowa is a place where people
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like ted cruz the most and donald trump stands to lose the most in iowa right now. in places like new hampshire there is a much stronger lead so he could potentially be setting himself up for a loss in iowa but making it so that it is okay to lose in iowa to ted cruz, come in a few points behind, then move on and show strength in new hampshire and try to beat him as well in south carolina where ted cruz will also likely do well among the evangelicals. >> hallie jackson, i understand we have a delay. but how concerned is ted cruz with this accusation regarding his birth and whether or not he would be a legitimate president if elected? >> reporter: about a five-second delay so apologies, tamron. but couple of points. how concerned is ted cruz? look at the response that he's had so far. a clip of a sitcom of "happy days," when he was asked about this last night he just sort of laughed it off. he said he is going to let that tweet and that video clip speak for itself.
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publicly he's not presenting much level of concern. when you look at the strategy here, you might ask why isn't ted cruz going harder after donald trump about this? after this, this is the third or fourth or fifth time donald trump has come after him on some personal issues, not just on policy but topics like his faith and family, where he was born, his citizenship. why would ted cruz go after trump on this? it hasn't worked for any other candidate so far. it hasn't worked for any rivals who have come back and defended themselves. particularly that he's had success not going after donald trump. most constitutional scholars agree, this is a point you made a couple minutes ago -- there is not an issue for ted cruz given that his mother was born in delaware, ted cruz was born to her in calgary, canada. you talk about the reaction from people. as we pan here, this is a little restaurant out in rural iowa, rock rapids, iowa. it is pretty pack for ted cruz
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on his bus tour. i spoke with some folks about this. i said i know you're here supporting ted cruz, what do you make of this birther claim? one woman said something interesting. i've heard about it on the radio and maybe somebody's asking questions about it or wanting to file a suit if ted cruz becomes president. this is exactly theinsinuation that donald trump is making. i also talk to some folks who say they like donald trump, they'll support him if he is the nominee but here's here at this cruz rally for a reason. but consider the source. donald trump opens himself up to a vulnerability when he does this. >> he's up to around 42%, 46%. turning now to the democratic race, hillary clinton and bernie sanders will go face to face tonight in vegas where they will both take the stage at an event hosted by nevada's
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democratic party. it comes as clinton's now raising the question of electability as she tries to seal the deal with voters. at a campaign event in iowa last night clinton emphasized the message that she is more electable than senator sanders ahead of next month's caucuses. >> -- about the people who are presenting themselves to you, their experience, their qualifications, their positions, and particularly for those of us who are democrats, their electability and how we make sure we have a democrat going back into that white house. >> and this morning on "morning joe," senator sanders responded to clinton's comments. >> democrats win elections when voter turnout is high. republicans win when voter turnout is low. i think any objective person who assess that the new energy in this campaign from young people, from working class people, is with our campaign, not secretary
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clinton's campaign. >> nbc's jacob rascon joins us live from henderson, nevada. let's talk about this campaign event this afternoon and what will likely play out in nevada later today. >> tamron, the democratic party in nevada is hosting a dinner tonight. it's been on the books for a while. all three democratic candidates are expecting to show up. they are all holding rallies or other events before that. hillary clinton holding a rally at the event center behind me at noon local time. nevada of course a first in the west caucus, the third state for the democrats to have a big vote. a very important state. hillary clinton is doing very well in nevada. recent polls show her with a big lead over bernie sanders, one as much as doubling bernie sanders' lead. but we know she's not doing as well in iowa, even though she is leading. some of the more recent polls have her only leading by single digits. as we know she is not leading in
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the most recent polls in new hampshire. so she knows she has to make her big argument. all of the candidates tonight will be allowed to make a peach and make their case. we've seen a more assertive hillary clinton this year talking about electability and she says that she's avoiding donald trump taking the bait, responding, though she has with msn msnbc's chris matthews said we need to avoid inflammatory rhetoric saying that's not leadership, that's showmanship. she's suddenly talking about trump but more assertive and more aggressive this year than we've ever seen her. >> she certainly has been. it was a compelling interview with chris matthews. thank you, jacob. the leader behind the occupation of a federal building in oregon speaks out to msnbc and takes us inside their camp. that's coming up next. i'll talk live with the congressman who's calling on his colleagues to condemn this occupation. also developing this
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morning, chipotle is now the focus of a criminal investigation after dozens were sickened in a norovirus outbreak in california. what the struggling company is saying about it this morning. and, even more heavy rain in the forecast for nearly 19 million people out west. from the strongest el nino on record, it is one of the stories we are updating around the "news nation." o see me. ever since i had a pretty bad accident three years ago. the medical bills - the credit card debt all piled up. i knew i had to get serious my credit. so i signed up for experian. they have real, live credit experts i can talk to. they helped educate me on how debt affected my fico score. so i could finally start managing my credit. now my credit and i - are both healing nicely. get serious about your credit. get experian. go to and start your credit tracker trial membership today. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... this is brad. hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch.
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together, we're building a better california. we are back with developing news. is the armed protest on federal lands in oregon coming to an end? protesters are entering their fifth day hold up at the wildfire life refuge there. local sheriff is hinting there are steps in motion to resolve the situation peacefully but would not elaborate. he plans to hold a community meeting tonight to address concerns citizens who live in
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the area and want the protesters to finally leave. >> this event has significantly impacted our community. our goal is to work together and restore calm and regular services for the people of this community. >> members of the group calling themselves citizens for constitutional freedom are continuing to speak out. one activist says he believes arrest warrants have been issued for five members of the group which authorities have not confirmed. tony, the question is, if the sheriff believes that this will end peacefully, how will they go about that? considering what i saw in your reporting last night, you have some of these protesters who believe they have warrants and are ready to take action. >> reporter: that's right, tamron. yesterday afternoon it seemed as though this were moving toward a potentially peace full resolution but last night everything changed.
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ammon bundy came out and suggested he had information five warrants had been issued and that a siege of their occupation could be imminent. at that point his supporters moved heavy equipment into the main access road, claimed to be using it for preparation for a shoot-o shoot-out. four young men in camo with assault rifles emerged and the leader was an 11-year veteran of the marine corps, claimed to have done two tours in iraq so pretty imposing figures. a third man came with a being ro being chair, sat in the middle of the road, put a rifle over his lap and warned the fbi that he would not be taken alive. take a listen. >> they're not going to just come up with a guy holding a rifle and put cuffs on him. they're not going to do that. >> what do you think they're going to do and what are you prepared to do? >> well, i hope that they go home. that's what i hope they do. >> presume that they're not. if there isn't already a warrant out for your arrest, you are breaking a law occupying this
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federal property. when that arrest comes, what do you intend to do in response? >> i have been raised in the country all my life. i have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box. >> reporter: tamron, that same man i spoke with this morning. he said after we left last night after the lights were turned off he had a chance to ponder things and he came to the conclusion that this can still end peaceably. he has three demands which he says he will air at 11:00 a.m. local time, 2:00 p.m. your time. he's hopefully, the sheriff is also hopeful, that this can be resolved later this afternoon. >> by the numbers, tony, how many people would you say at this point are in this occupation? it is hard to see perception wise when you look at the video. >> reporter: it is very difficult to tell. we can see about two dozen people milling about on the land. big calls were put out yesterday and monday for supporters to flock here and help the demonstrators hold the building
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but all day yesterday we were the a the main gate and did not see a lot of traffic. after dark some cars did arrive, mostly with arizona plates. i don't know what supplies were in the back of those trucks. pizza was brought with be new food was brought. some supporters arriving but not as many as expected. i think right now maybe two dozen, three dozen people are down there. meanwhile in washington the house will consider a resolution calling on the activists to leave the federal wildlife refuge and surrender to law enforcement. the measure is being introduced by a democratic arizona congressman. ranking member of the national resources committee which oversees public lands. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much for the invitation. >> you heard this morning our oregon congressman whose district is in this area saying americans have the right to protest but it should not take on this form. he did though say that the ranchers in this country just want to take care of the
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environment and it is the government that is all too often ignoring the law as it has in the country repeatedly. your reaction to your colleague. >> well, this is a country that follows the rule of law. every elected official, every representative here in d.c. should take a position on this. pure and simple. people should know that we're for the rule of law. the rule of law is not selective. it is not some people get to slide by the rule of law and these occupiers are doing now, or, others have the full punishment of the law upon them. you can't do that. the rule of law applies to all of us. this land is taxpayer owned. every taxpayer in this country owns the land that they are occupying. and they're doing it illegally and as such the resolution, quite frankly, is one of disapproval. we wrote it in such a way that it would not prevent people from signing it. congress needs to tell -- if we want a peaceful resolution,
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members of congress have to, in strong numbers, tell these okay pi occupiers we're not with you, you're break being the law and get out and stop this occupation. that's a peaceful resolution that by signing on to this resolution, members of congress can help accomplish. >> do you believe there's any credible -- credibility to this desire they say to have a wholesale transfer of ownership of these lands. we have the numbers which have been reported according to a congressional figures. 53% of oregon, 85% of nevada, 66% of utah is controlled by the government. these men and some women there claim that they want to have a wholesale transfer. is that even possible? do you believe that's even legit? >> first, that's not legit. second of all, it is not possible. the simple fact is that these are public lands. federal public lands owned by every taxpayer. it's not -- we don't want the
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bundy clan to end up being the deciders of what happens with federal land in arizona or oregon. certainly not and the american people don't want that. we don't want it turned over wholesale to the states so that governors can decide what development, commercial, housing, will go in exto something like the grand canyon or something like the great teton national areas or other important lands that everybody enjoys. visitorship this year was up in record numbers. next year anticipated more. the american people love their public lands. they support them through their tax dollars and their visitation and no one state, no one individual should have the right to control those public lands that are owned by the rest of us. >> you made the point that many critics have said this is everyone's land in the united states who owns it, not just a few ranchers who want to use it for their grazing to make their profit or whatever they choose to do with it. it belongs to the citizens of this country, taxpayers of this country. with that said these people have been described in many ways -- i'm sure you've seen on social
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media, some even calling them try terrorists. how do you describe them? >> the visible leadership that's coming in front of the television cameras and is being quoted in newspapers and heard on the radio, that leadership primarily the bundy leadership, they're extremists. they have supremacist ties that are pretty obvious to everyone else. this is an extremist faction that perverts the idea of our public lands and makes it a constitutional issue when none exist. the leadership certainly, to put it mildly, is extremists and tendencies and political positions that they take should be a concern to everyone and for them to purport to represent the american people on the issue of public lands and parks is ridiculous. >> just lastly here, we see the video of them, many armed. we had a video yesterday under an armed tarp talking about resist being if these are
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warrants -- which have not been confirmed. how concerned are you that this could escalate given that you have some angry individuals who are unwilling to leave and are armed? >> i'm concerned that -- i think the federal agencies have land it very well. they've shown restraint, patience, allowing the local community to try to negotiate a peaceful settlement. i think that's all positive, at the same time the bottom line is that a law is being broken and if these individuals are seeking to make some symbolic statement, then it is going to be very difficult to negotiate with them at all. but i think congress can play a huge role. sign on to this resolution, show your support for it, condemn this illegal occupation, and that way you send a message to those occupiers that they have no support at the highest levels of government and that they need to seize what they're doing. >> congressman, thank you so much for your time. developing now, more than a month after the san bernardino
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shootings, the fbi now says they still do not know what the shooters did in the critical moments after the attack. now they are going public with a plea for more information. we'll have any up date after a quick break. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. california, the man accused of buying the assault rifles in the san bernardino attack will be in court for arraignment in about an hour. enrique marquez faces charges of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and making false statements. meanwhile, the fbi is asking for the public's help in solving a mystery in this investigation. 18 minutes missing from the timeline of what the shooters did after the massacre. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams joins me now. investigators have done a good
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job gathering what they can about these two individuals but those critical minutes would add more. >> it is a mystery they want to resolve. they don't like not knowing what they were doing during this time. this is an 18-minute period during the roughly four hours between the shooting an when the couple was eventually in the shoot-out with police that ended in their death. so what they want to know is what -- where were they going, what were they doing. they know after the shooting they went to a like and spent some time there. the fbi disclosed yesterday that a search of that lake, very visible search last month, did not turn up anything of interest in the investigation. then they say after that the couple in their suv was sort of driving back and forth, zigzagging around the area, driving up and down some highways in a roughly l-shaped area and they made some stops. they want to know did they talk to anyone? did they go to storage lockers? did they dump anything? did they pick anything up? they just want to know what happened so they can resolve this and solve this mystery. they don't know that they did something wrong, they just want to know what it was during that period. they also told us some other
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things yesterday, tamron, that they still have no evidence that this was foreign directed. they believe these people came up with this plot on their own, though they were inspired by terror groups. they say that they have found no indication that they had other attacks in mind, no evidence of that. why did they have all those pipe bombs and ammunition? still an open question. and they say despite some earlier reports and some earlier claims by witnesses, there's been no evidence of any kind of argument or disagreement or workplace problem that would have led to the attack at that time, at that place. they still don't know why the couple chose to attack farook's fellow employees that day. up next, new reaction, new questions on what can be done if north korea's claims are true that it debt fltonated a hydrog bomb.
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we are back with more now on the breaking news from north korea. the world's most reclusive nation claiming it detonated its first hydrogen bomb overnight. south korea is casting doubt on the claim the, while the white house says it cannot confirm such tests. u.s. officials say it may take weeks to confirm. meantime, the united nations security council is holding an emergency closed-door meeting to consider possible action. that could include increased sanctions against north korea. joining me now live, form -- u.s. ambassador to the u.n., former energy secretary and former new mexico governor build richa richardson. thank you for your time. let me get your gut reaction to the news we see united states and other nations trying to investigate and piece this together.
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>> well, while i doubt that this is a hydrogen bomb, it is very serious because it means north korea's accelerating its nuclear program. this would be the fourth test since 2006 and it's basically a message to the world, hey, north korea, we're still around. kim jong-un is saying to everybody. their problems in the world, iran, saudi arabia, and the middle east, but i'm still here and you have to deal with me. so this is very serious because if it is a hydrogen bomb, russia and the united states are probably the only other ones that have tested it. but i think this is only 10 -- 6 kilotons so i don't think it is a hydrogen bomb. nonetheless, this is very worrisome. >> it is. and this is not the first occasion where this new young leader who is trying to establish his power has tried to bring the world's attention back to north korea. but to your point, even if this
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is not a hydrogen bomb, this is the fourth test since 2006 and the question of whether more sanctions could perhaps put a grip around this reclusive nation, seems to be many are doubtful about it. >> well, we have all kinds of sanctions, international sanctions, banking sanctions, economic sanctions. i don't know what else can you possibly sanction at the united nations. i think the key might be china that gives food, fuel, economic assistance, energy. if they really squeezed north korea, that may be the only lever that we have. but what is very worrisome is this new young leader from north korea does not want to engage -- does not want to negotiate, he's on a path to continuing his nuclear arsenal and expanding it. they may have ten right now. we've got about 30,000 american
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troops on the border. they're constantly provoking south korea, our ally. so this is another tinder box. this is another middle east situation that i think requires some careful diplomacy. >> you mentioned china's role in all of this. andrea mitchell was on this morning. one of the other questions is, is this was a hydrogen bomb or something similar, where do the materiel come from? that is a key question that obviously would be directed at perhaps china. >> that's right. and the reason i think china may be provoked is that nuclear test happened very close to the chinese border. but north korea's had a history of alliances with shady characters, bombmakers from pakistan, syria. there's a report about iran having a role, unconfirmed. but nuclear materiels, what north korea does is for foreign
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exchange, it sells these nuclear materiels on the black market. that's how they got fet foreign exchange. so it is worrisome that others are helping them develop this nuclear arsenal which is advancing at a very rapid technological speed, even if it isn't a hydrogen bomb. >> ambassador bill richardson, thank you for your time. appreciate your insight, as always. thank you. coming up, our first read team says there is a pile-up of the so-called gop establishment candidates in new hampshire. why they say these candidates are "flawed." up next, i'll talk with nbc's senior political editor mark murray. ♪ (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time...
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citizenship could be "a big problem" for him should he win the republican nomination. here's what senator ted cruz said just moments ago while in iowa. >> as a legal plaermatter the question is straightforward and settled law. the child of a u.s. citizen born abroad is a u.s. citizen. it has occurred many times in history. john mccain was born in panama but he was a natural born citizen because his parents were u.s. zins. george romney, mitt's dad was born in mexico but was natural born citizen because his parents were citizen. barry goldwater was born in arizona before arizona was a state and yet he was a natural born citizen because his parents were citizen. as a legal matter the question is quite straightforward and as last night's events demonstrated, i think there are serious issues facing the
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american people, serious issues to be decided in this election and that's where our focus is going to stay is on the real issues that matter to men and women of this country. >> joining me live now, nbc nbc news senior political editor. that was a long answer. but it is a very detailed answer given there which i find interesting that ted cruz decided to take it this long. >> well, one, it was very detailed. also ted cruz's absolutely correct. and also you can tell that he is a former harvard law grad as well. he certainly knows his law and of course tamron, you and i discussed this all the way back to the early years of president obama's presidency when trump was raising the birther questions about president obama. but ted cruz's absolutely right here. but i will say that because donald trump raised this in interviews that played last night and played again today that what is ted cruz talking about? he's talking about trump and
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this is exactly goes to donald trump's kind of media game that he is playing where he throws a -- sometimes an unsubstantiated claim. it becomes chewed over for 12 hours or so, then he comes up with another one the next day. >> you pointed out, a law grad, who was absolutely right. another law grad who was absolutely right about where he was born and he's in it the white house. that did not stop donald trump from claiming he had investigators who would uncover incredible things, despite being pressed on that answer. now ted cruz is playing donald trump's game talking about this. does he lose? >> well, he is having to respond to donald trump now. we saw him last night respond with a tweet from "happy days" and fonzie jumping the shark. but clearly went into a little more depth today. i will say that ted cruz is really usually not taking the bait whether it comes to donald trump.
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he's often more embraced him. a lot of the presidential candidates on the candidates who have gone one-on-one with donald trump are no longer in this contest. lindsey grahams of the world, rick perrys, even the george patakis. ted cruz has a strategy i'm going to hug donald trump rather than go to war with him. i think he ended up responding but it certainly wasn't with a big amount of condemnation. >> but is he worried, you think? you have donald trump with thousands of people in that audience yesterday. he did not address it to them but he is in a sense hiding behind some of his supporters by saying "there are people out there who are asking this, floating it," so much so that hallie jackson traveling with ted cruz says at least one woman at a rally today who said "i heard" that this is out there, kind of mining or repeating what donald trump had said. >> well, tamron, you even go back to the jeb bush, the low-energy attack that donald trump had on him.
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these things have resonated. donald trump, say what you will about his policies and the way he's conducted himself in this campaign, but he has almost been a message across. and if i am ted cruz and you're the front-runner in iowa right now, you might be a little worried that every time donald trump wants to throw one of his rhetorical bombs it takes me off message, at least for a day. >> mark murray, thank you very much. and developing now, chipotle is now the focus of a criminal investigation related to a noro virus outbreak that sickened dozens of people in several states. the latest on this investigation and the struggles for that popular food chain. staying in rhythm... it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without thcalories you don't... try boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein.
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we are watching a developing story right now in california. back-to-back storms causing major storms in san diego. in fact, this man took a paddle board through the flooded streets to get to one place from
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another. flash flooding could cause problems for those hardest hit by wildfires. also developing now, chipotle has been hit with a federal grand jury subpoena over a norovirus outbreak in northern california. jane wells is joining us live from los angeles. so what else is the company saying about this subpoena here? >> not a whole lot, tamron. i mean, when it rains, it pours for bad news for the chain whose motto is food with integrity. chipotle has been served with a federal subpoena here in a criminal investigation into what was really a little norovirus outbreak at a store in simi valley which sickened over 200 customers and employees, allegedly after an infected employee was at work. we don't know exactly what documents the feds want or what the charges could be. and the u.s. attorney's office has yet to comment. but this incident kind of came and went. and then it was followed by the two e. coli outbreaks from coast to coast and a norovirus outbreak in boston which got a
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lot more publicity. now, altogether, chipotle is saying the impact is big. what they call same store sales. in other words, stores that have been opened at least a year fell 30% in december. and for the first time ever, the company expects to report a drop in sales for the fourth quarter. earnings will be much lower than expected. it's already starting to set aside money for potential legal costs and not giving any guidance for 2016 because, quote, future sales trends may be significantly influenced by further developments. but to try to impeche shareholders, chipotle will be buying more of their shares back, hundreds of millions of dollars of them. the point is buying back shares usually stabilizes or boosts shares. the shares are down over $15, over 3% today. not working yet. >> thank you so much, jane. this is going to a federal jury. that does it for this edition of
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"msnbc live." i'm tamron hall. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," game changer. north korea claims it has successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb for the first time. if true, it's a serious threat to peace in the region and the world. in japan, u.s. ambassador caroline kennedy. >> we stand in solidarity in provocations and will work closely together with you in the coming days. natural-born politics. donald trump turns his birther file on his republican rival ted cruz. >> the best way to respond to this attack is to laugh it off and move on to issues that matter. and hillary plays
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"hardball." chris matthews asks about donald trump's low energy charge. >> the leading republican candidate is out saying you don't have the stamina, the strength, is this sexism? is it what it is? >> well, you know, i have a new year's resolution -- >> i know. >> he can say whatever he wants to say. i'm going to keep talking to people what people keep talking to me about. and good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. the united nations security council is in a crisis meeting at this hour. they are talking about options after north korea claimed it tested a miniatureized hydrogen bomb earlier today. if true, it would be a first and a major escalation of pyongyang's nuclear capability far beyond the low yield plutonium weapons that the north


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